In Caicco
Crociera Blu







Boat charter


Cabin charter


Enquiry form





Your way trough these pages

If you are a group,
here are the boats

If you only need a cabin or two

Here is how to book or make an enquiry

Have a look at the sailing area

Picture collection of the Blue Bruise

Food on board


How the legendary Blue Cruise has started

What's a Gulet?


BLUECRUISE ORG is a Bodrum based well established company under a German-Turkish management. We are specialized in offers for individual needs as well as groups. Our advice on boats is based on close a relationship with captain and crew. Get in touch - our friendly team is waiting for you.
Tel.:(+90 252) 317 2660
Fax:(+90 252) 317 2661


"The small harbors and settlements offer an intimate view of coastal life which large ships cannot replicate authentically.
In many ways a gulet is like a full service hotel where every room has a sea view and the scenery changes constantly."

La Costa di Gökova in Goletta
Partenza die Bodrum, Marmaris o Fethiye

Una crociera in caicco per immergervi nel sole e nel mare della splendida costa turchese, alla scoperta di calette meravigliose raggiungibili solo via mare e delle vestigia di antiche citta. Un programma indimenticabile per chi ha spirito di adattamento e voglia di avventura, e che vi consentira di provare l'entusiasmante esperienza della vita di mare. Per una buona riuscita della vacanza si deve avere uno spirito sportivo e di collaborazione con gli altri partecipanti anche stranieri con i quali dividere gli spazi limitati a bordo e con I'equipaggio che vi guidera con la massima attenzione

Sul Mar Egeo, nella regione della Ionia, si affaccia la costa di Bodrum, una delle zone piu belle della Turchia, famosa per la sua animata vita notturna, molto frequentata dai turisti provenienti da tutto il mondo. Localita dal ricco passato storico, e un vero scrigno di bellezze artistiche e naturali. II litorale e caratterizzato da una ricca vegetazione a cui si susseguono innumerevoli penisole boscose che racchiudono baie stupende e profonde insenature dalle acque trasparenti ed offrono splendide vedute e panorami incantevoli.

Generalmente la navigazione sara concentrata nella prima parte della giornata, lasciando quindi molto spa-zio ad intere giornate di mare. L'e-quipaggio prowedera alia preparazione dei pasti ed in serata il capitano gettera I'ancora in una di queste piccole baie pertrascorrere la notte.

I pasti sono preparati e consumati a bordo. Possibilita di piatti di carne o pesce da convenire all'imbarco. Le bevande sono escluse.

caicchi dispongono di quattro o ocho cabine doppie con servizi privati e doccia. E inclusa la biancheria da letto ed esclusa quella da bagno.

A bordo ci sono il capitano, un cuoco e uno o due assistenti di bordo. L'itinerario puo svolgersi secondo I'insindacabile giudizio del capitano.

Imbarcazioni lunghe da 16 a 27 metri e larghe circa 6 e dotate da 6 o 8 cabine doppie. Navigano normalmente a motore e qualche volta anche a vela. Sono dotate di sistema radio VHF e corrente a 200 Volt. offre due alternative per partecipare a Crociera Blu.
Venditegarantite delle cabine che escono settimanale

Affitto barche con l

own goulette with your friends or rent a cabin on a yacht and make some new friends. You may choose as well the routes of your cruise. Here is our new interactive map of the area

The Blue Cruise is the ultimate vacation as you sail along the beautiful coast of Turkey while getting way from routines and exploring the many coves. Yachts have cabins with private bathrooms and showers with hot water, full galleys, and all have additional water sports equipment. Some are air-conditioned. You will be surprised at how reasonably priced the Blue Cruises are.

You can spend all of your time on board of the gulet if you like. The captain and the crew are continuously at your disposal in an effort to provide you with all your needs. The cook pampers you during the whole voyage with specialties and samples of the delicious Turkish cuisine, of which you surely will be a fan at the end of the voyage. The delicate Turkish wine and ‘raki’ (national alcoholic drink) contribute to this delight.

enjoy the delicious meals on board
Dining is generally outdoors around a large table on the aft deck although there is a separate dining area in the main saloon. A sun awning provides shade and there is ample space for for everyone on the cushioned sun decks.

The closeness of the small group of people on board promotes an atmosphere of friendship and sharing; relations among passengers and crew tend to be relaxed and casual. We are experienced in arranging charters for a specific group of people or for you individually. Unlike cruises on large ocean liners, on a gulet you can explore the secluded and often deserted bays and coves of the coastline. Usually the daily duration of cruising is not longer than 3-4 hours, and the rest of the day can be spent in a gorgeous cove enjoying the sun and the sea. Sunbathing on the deck, swimming in clear waters, snorkeling, windsurfing, water-skiing or just fishing...

Or anchoring in a cove and trekking in the wild nature, visiting a nearby village and coming closer to the native people and their traditions or visiting one of the numerous ancient sites. Here, in the midst of the idyll, you can feel the touch of nature and history.

Turkey is a fascinating and friendly country where you can soak up the history of ancient civilizations, savour the atmosphere of market towns and villages with as much time as you can take in the sun. Whether on land or sea the scenery is spectacular. The Mediterranean and Aegean areas are still surprisingly unspoilt.
The boats will sail (winds permitting) or motor along your chosen route. There are a variety of
itineraries to follow depending on your taste.

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NEW all inclusive
cabin charter
Bodrum - Greece